Talpa Ecoenergy
Located next to the International Airport of El Salvador, supplying renewable energy to the airport, logistics centers, and other companies situated in its vicinity.
San Luis Talpa,
La Paz
La Paz
Energy Power
4.5 MWn/ 6.3 MWp.
Energized Homes
12,000 hogares.
Talpa Ecoenergry
Located next to the International Airport of El Salvador, supplying renewable energy to the airport, logistics centers, and other companies situated in its vicinity.
San Luis Talpa,
La Paz
La Paz
Energy Power
6.3 MWn/4.5 MWp.
Energized Homes
10,000 hogares.
Technical Specification
Annual Solar Irradiation
2,300 kWh/m2* year
Cover Area
11 hectares.
CO2 Avoided
10,000 t/ year.
19,440 polycrystalline
modules of 325 Wp.
Single-axis tracker
Commencement of operation
January 2021.